Home Zmr250 fpv build mini quadcopter parts listing for you

Zmr250 fpv build mini quadcopter parts listing for you

zmr250 fpv build

Zmr250 fpv build and list all parts including the exact FPV parts and accessories help you to buy parts together and make it quickly.

zmr250 fpv build

Frame: ZMR250 Carbon Fiber Version

Flight Controller: Naze32 Full

Motor: Multistar 2206 2150KV

Propeller: HQProp 5040 Carbon Fiber / Nylon

ESC: Afro ESC 12Amp Ultra Lite

LiPo Battery: 3s 2200mA lipo Tattu 45C-75C max

Video Transmitter: FPV FT952 5.8GHz 32CH 200MW

Radio Receiver: FrSky V8R7-II 2.4Ghz 7CH Receiver

FPV Camera: Fatshark 600TVL CMOS Camera

HD Camera: 1080p HD Video Camera

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