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Tag Archives: quadcopter tutorial

Quadcopter frame sizes – which class series quadcopter will you make?

quadcopter frame sizes

Quadcopter frame is important component of quadcopter, There are a lots of quadcopter frame sizes and no thumb rule for size of the frame, but the most common is from 180 mm to 800 mm. Each quadcopter frame with different attributes is designed for different style quadcopter such as fpv / sport racing / cameras / mini etc. Size of …

RC Quadcopter project pdf guide for beginner – Diy quadcopter

quadcopter project pdf

Maybe have your own experience in flying quadcopter and plan to make a quadcopter, This quadcopter project pdf guide will take you from choosing all the parts to shopping and building quadcopter project, Whether you have or have not the quadcopter or hobby background. We have posted some important articles in this field by quadcopter project,If you need can search …

The most common quadcopter types – Diy quadcopter

The most common quadcopter types

There’s a few different quadcopter types in the market, which one is the most common and what should be considered when Buying or diy a quadcopter? If you want to know here you come the right place. What is quadcopter? There are many types of multicopter, Most common motor configurations are Tricopter, Quadcopter, Hexecopter, Octocopter,Y6, X8, Helicopter, Monocopter,Bicopter,VTail etc. Today …

Best plans of quadcopter design pdf download

quadcopter design

Do what you love, if you are familiar with diy quadcopter, which i think this is a positive passion for the pursuit of life. Self-thinking Diy and design maybe can set up a paradise of hobbies.Today we will share some best quadcopter design pdf which are collected and collated from internet, you can minimise wasted time and get more work …

Quadcopter safety tips about how to reduce the risk of quadcopter?

quadcopter to fly

Some quadcopter businesses are beginning to look at opportunities to revolutionize how basic services and dangerous tasks might be performed in the future.Here are five Quadcopter safety tips about how to reduce the risk of quadcopter,Maybe helpful for you. The low-cost of buying and operating remotely piloted aircraft for commercial use has opened up a world of opportunity. With quadcopter …

6 ways to Lengthen your quadcopter lipo battery lifespan

Lengthen your quadcopter lipo battery lifespan

Lipo battery is one of the most important components of quadcopter, But do you know how to Lengthen lipo battery lifespan? If do not know , You’ve come to the right place. As everyone knows, it is very time-consuming to get a complete aerial photography or a video tapping for a limited battery capacity. The battery capacity may support only …

How to choose best beginner aircraft and Getting Started with Fly equipment

best beginner aircraft

Now it’s very common to see many people like remote control aircraft , and there are more and more beginner start with it. How to choose best beginner aircraft ? So I’d like to give some ideas and suggestions on flight equipment to you, hope it can do some help. About the budget When many people talk about remote control …

How to balance props quadcopter via blade balancer

how to balance props quadcopter

If you buy or diy a quadcopter and start coming across the term balancing your quadcopter’s props or newer style props more and more frequently.How to balance props quadcopter you have to know,like the video posted at bottom of this post. The purpose of Balancing props A quadcopter with balances props will be noticeably smoother. If you plan to shoot …

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