If you buy or diy a quadcopter and start coming across the term balancing your quadcopter’s props or newer style props more and more frequently.How to balance props quadcopter you have to know,like the video posted at bottom of this post.
The purpose of Balancing props
A quadcopter with balances props will be noticeably smoother. If you plan to shoot aerial video or take pictures, this becomes even more relevant because a quadcopter with non-balanced blades with have a lot of jello, which is something you want to stay away from if you want good video,For this reason quadcopter have to balance props.
Standard:Balancing your quadcopter’s blades is a procedure carried out to make both sides of your quadcopter drone’s blades equivalent in weight.
Two methods of balancing props
Mothod one:shaving off your blades via sandpaper
Watch the video below to understand how to balance props quadcopter.
Recommended and safer method
Watch the video below to understand how to balance props quadcopter.Much prefer this method of adjustment to the tape method.
2 ways for quadcopter balancing including props and motors - diy quadcopter
July 31, 2016 at 10:31 pm
[…] long time ago, I had post one article about how to balance props quadcopter via blade balancer. There are two ways shaving off your blades via sandpaper and adjustment to the […]