When you are making a quadcopter, you should know all quadcpter parts and how to work with each other. Such as quadcopter propeller size with motor and how to choose the strong light and well balanced proprellers? In order to getting start your quadcopter world, Here will tell you all.
Quadcopter propeller size
Type of prop is important as well but we will see effect of diameter and pitch on flight of quadcopter. Generally we see quadcopter propeller size with the specification of below table.
So we can say if we have 10×3.8 prop our quad will climb in the air at 228 inch/sec, while with 10×6 prop climb rate will be incread to 360 inch/sec.
Diameter Inch | Pitch Inch | 60 Revolutions (Inch/Sec) 60 * Pitch |
7 | 3.5 | 210 |
8 | 4.5 | 270 |
9 | 5 | 300 |
10 | 3.8 | 228 |
10 | 4.5 | 270 |
10 | 6 | 360 |
11 | 4.7 | 282 |
12 | 3.8 | 228 |
How to choose the best propeller?
A long time ago, I had posted one article about how to choose the best propeller for your quadcopter? You have to know clearly that what’s your quacopter use for? Everyone have different requirement and budget and one size propellers only deal with one your need. such as if you learn how to hover and diy quadcopter for taking videos, you should select a very slow turning motor with big propeller. if you want to build FPV racing quadcopter you have to choose a very fast turning motor with small propeller. Also you should read the motor thrust date table for your reference. Some tips for choosing the best propeller were referred in that article, I think you should read it.
Although the propeller is very cheap but we can not neglect it, you will wonder diy a quadcopter can’t without it. After you choose the best motors and propellers you will consider where to buy them, Some best stores are recommended on our website navigation bar. If you are looking for the best propellers for your FPV racing quadcopter, Here is one old post Most popular and best quadcopter props for FPV Racing , some fpv prepellers are recommended, There are good price,easier to balance than some of the others,Very strong and light propeller. Now just shop them to get started in the Fpv quadcotper world.