Carbon emax nighthawk 250 build list including the exact FPV racing quad parts and accessories can be found here that help you to buy parts together and make it quickly.Took the standard full carbon NightHawk/Emax 250 which is actually 280. Stacked 2 arms for each arm and CAed them. added silicone bobbins on the middle plate Put the top plate on the bobbins, on it the stand offs and on that another top plate with an offset. This leavs great room for a gopro style camera Xiaomi
Frame: EMAX 250
Flight Controller: Naze32 Acro
Motor: Cobra 2204 2300Kv
Propeller: Gemfan 5040 ABS
LiPo Battery: 4S 2200mAh 65C – 130C
Video Transmitter: 5.8G 32CH AV 600mW Mini Wireless vtx
Radio Receiver: FrSky D4R-II 2.4GHz (4ch PWM/8ch CPPM, telemetry)
FPV Camera: CC1333 Sony Super HAD 600TVL CCD Mini 2.8mm (cased)
HD Camera: XiaoMi Yi
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